Voluntary action under threat: what privatisation means for charities and community groups

The National Coalition for Independent Action (NCIA) has produced a new paper which presents evidence about the dangers of commissioning, localism and ‘big society,’ all part of the government’s privatisation agenda.
·        Public service cuts are a political choice, not an inevitability.
·        Creating competitive markets in the voluntary sector through commissioning damages services, users and staff and threatens independence.
·        ‘Localism’ and ‘big society’ plans will increase government control, erode accountability and equality and make it more difficult for communities to thrive.

The paper and further information can be downloaded here:

Four page leaflet: ‘privatisation’ www.independentaction.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/privatisation-web.pdf
Four page leaflet: ‘big society’ www.independentaction.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/big-society-web.pdf
Full policy paper (26 pages) www.independentaction.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/NCIAprivatisation-paper2011.pdf
Summary paper (10 pages) www.independentaction.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/NCIAprivatisation-10page.pdf

The NCIA is a network of individuals and organisations who believe there is a need to defend independent voluntary and community activity.
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